Our Story


nurturing both parent and child

Luie was founded by two mothers, Isabelle and Amanda, in late 2020. The brand is since then filled with a vision of nurturing both parent and child during the years of parenthood.

At Luie our ethos revolves around ethical practices and a commitment to the environment. We craft all our slings with care in Europe, using only organic, leftover or recycled materials.

Our mission at Luie is to inspire more families to discover the ease, comfort, and joy of carrying their children.

föräldrachocken podcast

Isabelle and Amanda are also the hosts of the Swedish podcast Föräldrachocken, a show that has consistently ranked in the top 100 under the family and children category since its release. On the show, Isabelle and Amanda interview Swedish influencers who are also parents. Tune in to the show here!

Tune in to the show